So the book said as it called out to me from the supermarket shelf. And I was intrigued. Is that really possible?
But hang on. My inner self reminded me that I had more than enough gardening books and magazines - some of which I hadn't even opened - already. And that I had an allotment. And had grown tomatoes and herbs and all manner of things and in containers already.
And yet before I knew it I was at the check out with the book in my hand and then in my bag. Another book to read............
And then Tilly saw it. And she too was interested.
So this is going to be our story. About what you can grow in a smaller space. And to see how much is possible if you don't have an allotment or want to turn a lot of your garden into a veg patch.
Let's see how we get on.

And here's our working sketch - ok it's crude but you get the idea. And yes. It's a vegetable bed - in a bed!
We've got a Victorian brass and iron bed that has seen better days. We've got a few old sleepers that we're going to use to make the sides of the actual raised bed. We've got bags of good soil that we removed from a customer's garden. And we've got our seeds.
We're good to go!
What are we growing?
Well Tilly has chosen some more unusual veg - some that you might not normally find on the supermarket shelves - and also some heritage varieties. She's chosen those both to try something different and also to have something that's good to look at. After all the veg bed in a bed is going to be in the front garden. Yes. The front garden!
This is what's in the propagation trays at the moment:
Snowberry tomatoes
Yellow Pear tomatoes
Marconi Rosso peppers
The tomatoes have germinated and are now hardening off. The peppers haven't germinated so we'll sow some more
Soon we'll direct sow some:
Tromboncino squash - they'll wind their way up the frame of the bed.
Boltardy beetroot
Burpees Golden beetroot
Harlequin carrots
And we'll also plant up some strawberries.
Follow what we get up to and find out what works (and what doesn't) by coming back to the website, following us on Instagram and Facebook and hear us chatter on FromeFM.